Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MI-5 jive

1 The most vivid childhood birthday memory; I must say, I'm drawing a complete 'blank' and don't remember details of a single one. Birthdays were not exactly a 'big deal' around our house. We celebrated with a home-made cake and a few small gifts - but nothing that burned life-long memories.
2 My favorite birthday moment may have been the day I turned 18. That started the 'age of adulthood' (& legal drinking age) in my home state. I felt so liberated - to go wherever I wanted. It was really exciting for about a week ... and certainly not all it was cracked up to be.
3 My favorite adult birthday came two years ago when my wife made arrangements for me to get a new motorcycle on my 50th. She said, "I want to do something very special for this year, go pick out a new motorcycle." COOL right! YEA ... I'm still diggin it!
4 I never had a "theme birthday" - that I know of. As I said, my childhood is somewhat of a 'blur'. But details of that will likely be an answer to another MI-5 question.
5 OK, the thing about turning 18. I have a brother 7 years my senior. Occasionally he would take me with him to hang out with friends. I thought they were 'so cool'. They sometimes went places where 'under-aged' kids could not go. I REALLY looked forward to the day I could go in those places. Turns out, I didn't like those places 'at all'. Funny how life is.

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