Thursday, October 9, 2008

Well, we have been collecting shoes at Harmony for a wonderful new organization called "Soles 4 Souls"( ). They are collecting and providing shoes for people who have lost virtually everything in 'natural disasters'. I discovered them when my interest was peeked with desire for our church to respond to the needs of people who lived on the Texas Coast. As you probably remember, 'Hurricane Ike' washed away their dreams about a month ago.

I liked the organization from the beginning. And now that I have done more research, I REALLY appreciate them. The organizer ( ) of S4S was working for a shoe company when Hurricane Katrina blasted through New Orleans. He states that he was watching the news coverage and saw a single shoe wash up on the beach. That was his "ah ha" moment and the beginning of Soles 4 Souls.

What impresses me most is the heart of this group. They are linking up with other organizations to do some AWESOME ministry. From what I read, they hooked up with a church that meets under a cement bridge in Nashville ... in an effort to take the church to the people. The goal was to put good shoes on all of Nashville's homeless people. According to a blog entry, Vince Gill & Amy Grant even stopped in to provide some inspiring tunes. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL "MINISTRY"!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jim's Jive 5

1. Name something a friend or loved one did for you in the last month that
made you feel good.
*A friend came and helped me move a very heavy wood stove into the house.
There is NO WAY I could have done it without him.
2. Name something you did for a friend or loved one in the last month and
how did it make them feel?
*I cooked a big seafood dinner for my brother (and his wife) during a recent
visit. I think he REALLY enjoyed it.
3. Tell us about the first childhood family vacation that you remember.
If you don't have a memory of that then tell us the first family event
memory you have. Don't forget to include details about that experience
that stick out in your mind.
*The first vacation memory was a road trip to my Aunt Ruth's house in
up-state NY.
I was probably 12, and it was my first time seeing snow.
My uncle rented
a snowmobile for me and my cousins ... it was PURE JOY!
4. Kids get hurt. Tell us a time you recall as a kid when you injured
*EE-W-W-W ... I remember it well. I ran into a plate glass window and cut
myself up BAD. Docs told my dad I may never walk correctly again - due
to muscle and ligament damage. But I believe God blessed me with complete
healing. The injuries never slowed me down in sports or other activity.
5. Tell us something you want to do before the snow flies. If you live
in an area that might not get snow then before Christmas will do.
*I want to take ONE MORE nice motorcycle ride - maybe an all-day trip.
Motorcycling is not very pleasant when there is snow. (: