Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Different Strokes for Different Folks

I've been telling my friends that things around the Nation's capitol are somewhat 'different' than the rest of the Country. A former riding buddy and fellow CMA member (Rob) posted this picture taken at a recent biker rally near DC. In this case, "a picture is worth a thousand words" ... you can fill in the blanks!

I must say, the grenade mirrors are a nice touch.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The MOST WONDERFUL WOMAN on the planet is very sick. My 89 year-old mother is in the hospital with some serious health problems. Her heart is weak and she's not breathing well. Doctors don't offer much hope for improvement.

She came to Maine for a visit a few months ago. It was a rare journey north from South Florida (she hates weather below 85 degrees). We had a memorable time sight-seeing and climbing the Marshall Point Lighthouse where this picture was taken. Yup ... 89 and still able to climb a steep spiral staircase. She amazed us all!

Now she's in the fight of her life. Yesterday she had a decent day, so I spoke to her on the hospital phone. It was SO good to hear her voice again. We talked briefly about her condition and struggle (with oxygen hissing in background), but mostly she wanted an update on me and my family. She was more concerned about us and the ministry than anything else ... that's my mom.