Saturday, May 17, 2008


Here are the questions answers for the week;

1. Do you have any weird OCD issues?

* WOW ... its a small world. As a former Church Planter in
Virginia, I have met Tally Wilgis. We used to meet in Richmond,
Virginia for monthly meetings. As for OCD issues, I try my best
to continually reprogram. But the bills in my wallet MUST all
face the same direction. Does that count?

2. What major decision/change did you make in your life that
surprised your family and friends & how did things work out?

*OK - this is weird! I left South Florida for a 'life-change' too.
But I moved to North Florida for educational purposes. I had
a great job, a wife, three kids, and a beautiful custom home ...
my family thought I was NUTS! Things worked out great!
My kids grew up and moved out. My wife and I are happy to
be living in Maine.

3. What is something you picked up and who did you pick it
up from?

*Eating biscuits. I learned the beauty of the biscuit from a
co-worker when I was in the fire service. I learned how to
make (and several ways to eat) them, and now I enjoy them at
every opportunity.

4. What is something you discovered by accident but has
enriched your life?

* That would have to be regular reading. I started reading
books in a particular genre a few years ago. I did it in order
get some new perspective on my work. I found that regular
reading prompted all kinds of fresh thinking and creativity.
So now I read at least one book per month.

5. If you could influence a behavioral change in someone else,
what would it be and how would you go about doing it?

*I would change attitudes concerning motorcycling - which
happens to be my hobby. I was alarmed to discover that
some people dislike bikers SO much that they will intensionally
run them off the road. I would do this by taking them for a ride
on a gorgeous summer day up Cadillac Mountain. One ride on
sensory overload like that ... and they would forever appreciate


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