Saturday, August 23, 2008

Billy's questions for MI-5

1) Do you use some form of PDA (personal digital assistant)/MP3 player/smart phone for contacts and calendar items? If so, what is it, and what do you use it for? If you don't use some sort of digital calendar, what do you use?
I got a Sony PDA when they first came out - complete with Microsoft Office. Found it a hassle to keep track of. Then I got a fancy phone that could do almost all the same stuff. But these days I am simplifying my life. Now, I have reverted back to the old-fashion desk blotter calendar and a pencil. But I DO still use the calendar on my Motorola Razor cell phone.

2) Do you use any sort of MP3 player? If not, do you use anything for "music on the go"?
*I have an old 256 meg MP3 that I seldom use. I rigged it to play in my motorcycle helmet, so I could listen to some tunes while on long rides. But only used it a few times. I guess I never REALLY got into personal listening devices, I find them too inconvenient. Maybe if I had some wireless earphones ... yea.

3) Do you have a favorite application you run on your PDA/MP3/smart phone? What is it? If you don't use one, how about some cool application you like on your computer?
*I LOVE Windows Media Player. I constantly used my computer in church (back in Virginia) and it was always connected to the PA for videos and background music. We even occasionally used it for performance.

4) How about a favorite game on your widget? If you're non-widget-ized, what games do you like to play on your computer?
*I'm not a game person. I never play computer games. My son is a game 'freak' and plays all the online stuff. He's up on all the latest techno, but not the Old Man.

5) Most little gadgets have a way to personalize them, like a cover or faceplate or something. What's on yours? If you don't own one, tell us about something else you've personalized.
*I used to paint cars and once painted (airbrush) a mural on the side of my own car. It was a scene of Calvary where Jesus died for my sins. You seldom see religious art in that venue, so I thought it made a strong statement about me and the life I now live.

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