Thursday, February 5, 2009

Melanie's 5 for the MI

Melanie sez, The basic concept of the idea is to build the story as a group. The only twist is that each of you can only add three words at a time. With a little wit and some creative thinking, you can generate some amazing and hilarious stories.

Start your individual blogs with 5 words.
You may give your story a title to help with a theme if you wish but the beginning of your story must have no more (and no less) than 5 words written by you - The next person to visit your page would then comment by coping & pasting your 5 words & adding their 5 words to help develop the story.

"Space Travel"

Since the beginning of time ...
scientists have disagreed as to the origin of the planet Earth. But since Wookies were found the debate has become a bit more controversial. The fiasco of Wookie trials came to a big halt when the mutant judge announced the quite recent discovery of a tiny organism that seemed rather peculiar considering it was deoxyribonucleic in its makeup.

There's a wonderful movement taking place in Christian missions around the world ... its called "church planting". Many don't understand the need for such activity, and some traditionalists see it as some kind of threat to the established church in America.

But I'm really proud - in a positive way (I think) to be associated with mission-minded people who continue to recognize the spiritual needs of all people. I'm speaking of the Maine Baptist Association.

What MeBA is attempting to do is, prioritize in such a way that associated churches make it THEIR priority to reach out to others. It seems SO easy to become ingrown, protective, and self-focused. Yet, its quite obvious that people everywhere are searching for something more than the Country, a political party, or hopes for financial security can offer. And the local church should have something more to offer. 'Church planting' provides a powerful way to do that.

I was very active in Virginia's church-planting movement between 2000 and 2007. It was a great blessing to see lives touched and people changed by the power of God - as we discovered creative ways to 'reach out' and offer Christian love. Now I dream of such things happening in Maine. And I pray that Maine Christians will rise to the occasion.