Friday, May 22, 2009


Assuming you must pick one:

1) Motorcycle or Jet Ski? Why?
Motorcycle - for sure. Even though I grew up breathing
two-stroke smoke from boat motors, I'm still drawn to
the open roads and the rumble of straight pipes. Yesterday
I road over 100 miles with a fellow church member whom
also enjoys motorcycling ... LOVED IT!

2) Fruit pie or cream pie? Which kind? Why?
I always seem to choose the fruit pie. And I'm partial to
a fresh Maine blueberry pie. Although a cream pie with
mar rang (sp?) piled high is tempting, I guess I have been
disappointed in them too many times.

3) Book or magazine? How come?
I choose books. I'm somewhat of a thinker, and I find
many magazine articles to be shallow and too ethereal.
I like to read something that causes me to ponder.

4) Hot beverage or cool drink? What's your fav?
Hmmm - I drink mostly hot beverages these days. Maybe
because I'm a 'southerner' and not totally acclimated
to cold weather. I have even begun ordering coffee before
ordering a meal when I'm out. But will I continue in the
warm summer months? ... I don't know.

5) What's on the grill on Monday--beef, pork, or fowl?
What's the specifics?
Well, I have no plans for cooking on the holiday. In fact,
I have made no plans at all for that day. I have a possible
community speaking engagement, and that's it. Josey and I
out Tuesday for Virginia and a quick visit to see the
kids (young adults) and the Grand-baby, Ethan. I think we
will spend the day 'packing' and closing down the house.
might even eat cereal for lunch - just to get rid of milk
that is sure to sour while we are away. I know, "What kind
of celebration is THAT"!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Billy The Rhythm-Myster's 5

We got a new phone system at my office this week. This
MI-5 is inspired by that event.

1) When you answer the phone, do you say anything
No. Since I typically answers calls at my home and not
a place of business, its just, "hello".

2) Other than "Bye" or "Bye-Bye," do you say anything
else when you end a conversation? Do you ever use any
other closing?
Usually just "bye-bye". But occasionally I say, "Talk
with you again soon."

3) How about your cell phone... Do you use a lot of
minutes, or do you hoard them? Love your cell, or just
a necessity/tool?
I used to use my cell phone exclusively. In fact, Josey
and I talked several times about doing away with the
expense of a house phone. Then we moved out onto the
peninsula. The tower service is SO BAD there, last week
I had to call a guy back 4 times during a 20 minute
conversation. The cell phone I once cherished I am
quickly growing to loathe.

4) Is your answering machine message funny? Cute?
Straight ahead, all business?
Our answering machine message "straight ahead" and
dry. Thanks for asking ... I think we need to spice
it up a tad!

5) What phone habit do you find annoying? People who
return calls based on their caller ID? ("Someone from
there called me.") People who talk on their cell in
the car? People without answering machines? What?
Maybe the most annoying thing for me is following
someone in a car while they
talk on their phone.
Not everyone mind you, but those who get so involved
in the conversation that they can no longer drive well.
Granted, there are times when someone gets a disturbing
(distracting) call while driving. But I would think
even in that situation common sense would say,
"Hey, I better pull over - before I commit vehicular
homicide". But unfortunately, common sense does not
always prevail.