Saturday, June 18, 2011

Laconia Bike Week 2011

Getting ready and loaded-up for the trip down to Laconia was REALLY exciting. This year I decided to trailer the bike down - instead of making the ride there and back. IT'S MUCH BETTER THIS WAY!

Each year I get more time away to participate in the activities of Bike Week, and can't wait til the next year. Something about seeing the Weirs Beach sign each season makes my heart run a little faster. Of course, if you've seen the sign during Bike Week you have been stuck in a major traffic jam. Took me almost two hours to get through there on Wednesday afternoon.

A brother from the CMA lives a few miles outside of Weirs Beach and let me camp-out on his property (free) as part of the Christian Motorcyclist's ministry for Bike Week. The picture is a bath-house with hot running water, showers, and refrigerators built specially for his camping guests.

Most of the campers are riding big touring bikes pulling mini travel trailers. I choose the "low-buck" approach by sleeping in the back of the SUV on an air mattress. Not the most comfortable - but very mobile. It rained while I was there and mosquitoes were very active. Not a problem for me.

The Annual Hill-climb was an awesome experience. It was my first time attending this event. There was hundreds of spectators, and about 99% came to the event on a bike. It was a sea of motorcycles ... and a huge audience stood on the hillside for hours watching crazy people defy death.

Best of all, the CMA represented with a highly visible display canopy - giving away free ice-water, a few hundred gospel tracts, and several Bibles. Doing evangelism this way among Hells Angels, Outlaws, and the like makes my adrenaline run. We were there talking about Jesus and praying with people all day, but the time went by in a flash. Our motto is, "Riding For The Son", and that is EXACTLY what CMA-ers do.